Jamnagar, January 2, 2025: Akash Ambani, the Director of Reliance Industries, announced that the company’s AI infrastructure project in Jamnagar will be completed in a record 24 months. The initiative is part of Reliance’s strategic push to expand its capabilities in artificial intelligence and digital services, aligning with the company’s broader vision of technological transformation.
Ambani highlighted that the Jamnagar facility will house state-of-the-art AI infrastructure, positioning Reliance as a key player in the rapidly growing field of AI and data analytics. The development is expected to create significant job opportunities and enhance the company’s technological edge in various sectors, including manufacturing, energy, and telecommunications.
The project is expected to be a major milestone for Reliance, marking a significant step in its efforts to integrate cutting-edge technologies into its business operations, further solidifying its leadership in India’s digital and technological landscape.