LUCKNOW: The construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, which was initially scheduled to be completed by June 2025, will now take an additional three months. According to Nripendra Mishra, the chairman of the temple’s construction committee, the temple is now expected to be fully functional by September 2025. Mishra provided the update after chairing a two-day meeting in Ayodhya on Thursday and Friday.
Mishra explained that the delay is partly due to a shortage of 200 stone carvers, which has slowed down the work. He added that important structures, including the auditorium, boundary, and circumambulation path, are still under construction. Additionally, the temple’s outer wall will require 8.5 lakh cubic feet of red Bansi Paharpur stones. Although these stones have already arrived in Ayodhya, the shortage of skilled workers has hindered progress.
Furthermore, Mishra noted that some of the stones used in the first floor appeared weak in density. These stones will be replaced with high-quality Makrana marble, and work on the first floor, along with other sections, is ongoing. Despite these challenges, the committee remains committed to completing the temple as soon as possible.
In a related development, Mishra shared that the statues to be installed in the temple, including the Ram Darbar and other statues for the temple premises, are currently being crafted in Jaipur and will be ready by December. These statues will be transported to Ayodhya by the end of the year, and decisions regarding their placement will be made shortly after. The committee is also considering making the temple’s exit route more accessible to visitors.