Chandrapur: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Tuesday in Chandrapur, launched a strong critique against the opposition alliance ‘Maha Vikas Aghadi’ (MVA), accusing it of hampering Maharashtra’s growth. Modi alleged that the MVA alliance has repeatedly blocked and stalled development projects, likening the alliance to “the biggest player of corruption.” Addressing a rally in Chandrapur’s Chimbur, he stated, “Maharashtra ka tez vikas Aghadi walo ki bas ki baat nahi hai. MVA ne keval kaamon par break lagane mein PHD ki hai. Kaamon ko atkana, latkana aur bhatkana.”
PM Modi took a specific jab at Congress, claiming the party is an expert in obstructing development, even calling it a “double PhD” in stalling projects. He alleged that over the last two and a half years, Congress and its allies have attempted to halt every developmental initiative. Referring to the MVA as “the biggest players in corruption,” Modi asked the audience whether they would allow the MVA to put a stop to the city’s progress. He urged, “Kya aap inhe dobara loot ka licence milne denge? Loot karne denge, khazana bharne denge?”
Highlighting the difference in approach, PM Modi praised the Mahayuti government’s swift action, claiming that people in Chandrapur are well aware of how the MVA hindered progress. He emphasized long-pending demands for rail connectivity in the region that were allegedly ignored by Congress and the MVA. Modi took the opportunity to contrast the opposition’s record with that of the NDA, stating that the current government was focused on fulfilling these unmet demands.
As the Assembly elections draw near, with polling on November 20 and counting on November 23, PM Modi congratulated the Maharashtra BJP for its manifesto, calling it a ‘Vikas Ki Guarantee’ (development guarantee) for the next five years. The manifesto promises 25 key initiatives benefiting various groups, including AI university projects, water pipelines, digital connectivity, and housing. Modi declared that with both the Mahayuti and the NDA government, Maharashtra is witnessing “double engine growth” — promising a faster pace of development if re-elected.