Hyderabad, January 9, 2025: The pre-release event of Nandamuri Balakrishna’s much-awaited film Daaku Maharaaj has been canceled in light of the tragic stampede at the Sri Venkateswara Temple in Tirupati. The incident, which claimed 15 lives and left many injured, has cast a pall of sorrow across the state. The film’s team decided to call off the event as a mark of respect for the victims and their grieving families.
The makers of Daaku Maharaaj issued an official statement expressing their condolences to the families affected by the tragedy. They emphasized that the team stands in solidarity with those impacted by the unfortunate incident. Revised plans for the film’s promotional activities will be announced at a later date, keeping the sentiments of the public in mind. Fans of Balakrishna have widely appreciated this thoughtful gesture, commending the team for prioritizing compassion over entertainment.