
    SC Ruling on Alimony: Balancing Justice in the Wake of a Tragic Bengaluru Case

    New Delhi, December 12: In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court of India has laid down eight key factors to be considered while determining alimony amounts in matrimonial disputes. The ruling comes in the wake of a tragic case involving the suicide of a Bengaluru-based techie, reportedly linked to marital discord and an alimony dispute.

    The apex court emphasized the need for a fair and equitable approach in calculating alimony, taking into account factors such as the duration of the marriage, the financial and professional status of both spouses, their age, health conditions, and the standard of living enjoyed during the marriage. The court also directed lower courts to ensure that the financial burden does not disproportionately fall on one party.

    This judgment aims to bring greater clarity and uniformity to alimony-related cases, ensuring that both parties are treated justly. The court’s decision has been widely discussed, with many viewing it as a step forward in addressing the complexities of marital disputes and protecting individuals from undue financial or emotional distress.

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